Sunday, May 12, 2013

Pieces of my childhood: Clinging on to the memories of my arts class.

Although this post was labelled as Anime I'm not really talking about this anime per se! Boring stuff here I suppose but it's good to keep a record of things I guess so that's why I'm writing this post. It could also update my blog as well anyway!
The ending theme of the original Yugioh series.

Ending credits in the first season of Yugioh.  Credits from

Yu-Gi-OH! was a huge part of my childhood. I used to watch the anime every weekends and I've played the trading card games for many years when I was younger. This theme song however always reminded me of another, bigger part of my childhood, because it was exactly at that period of time when the Yugioh fever set off in Singapore that I was having my arts classes every Saturday at 430 p.m. I could still remember visiting my cousins after class every week to play the card games and the one occasion when I bought my first deck in the neighbouring mall, a fake one for two dollars because my mother felt it was a waste to spend on cards. (I still ended up getting many more real Seto Kaiba decks afterwards so it didn't matter!) In the end, my arts class ended somewhere along the way because the money used for the lessons had to be channeled for other classes. It was a huge disappointment and I remembered hearing from my mother that I would be able to go back to my arts classes once we have enough money to afford for them because the other classes take priority. Unfortunately, I never had a chance to go back for my arts classes.

Nonetheless, this theme song still bring forth a very strong feeling of nostalgia and never fails to remind me of my happy childhood.      

Friday, May 10, 2013

Horrible Horrible Week

Having a horrible time in school recently and I'm just going to spill it all out in this post. If you are not fond of reading things like this, it is best that you give a miss on this post. I really hate to talk about rather insignificant things like this but its been really frustrating to say the least, not to mention having all my close friends being too preoccupied with their own activities to meet up,  

These few weeks of school had been ghastly. Could it be that I am suffering from some form of withdrawal symptoms as a result of not training Wushu? It had afterall been a part of my life for quite awhile and I used to spend at least 8-10 hours a week training. I'm having a major exam this year with a science practical examination next week and all I've been doing is repeatedly make blunders in every assignment so far. Huge mistakes which could have been completely avoided if I had paid more attention, but I simply can't stop making them!

Let's search my memory of the recent weeks and confront these idiotic mistakes, then get on with it once and for all..

1. Physics test: First law of thermodynamics Change in U = Q + W where W is work done on the system. For some reason, I subtracted my value of W from Q and I know it's the work done on the system throughout the entire test! That would have costed me a grade or two.

2. Physics quiz, question asked to determine resistance of a variable resistor in a given circuit, found the voltage across the resistor instead.

3. Multiple errors while entering my values in the GC

4. Giving the wrong units for my physics practical, writing the wrong standard form, drawing the graph wrongly, giving the wrong scale for the graph...

5. Forgetting the proper presentation for the math test which costed me a bundle despite having most of the answers correct!

I hate it so bad when teachers ask me if I need help because these mistakes are not made because I have a weak understanding of something! I resent the feeling of being looked down upon. And it seems I do not have an affinity with physics recently, although its supposed to be my strongest subject which gets on my nerves so much! Leaving that aside I do have other reasons for my frustration...

First of all I would say that many people (Including me) agree that EQ is so important in today's world, more so than IQ. Given that I've already plummeted my way into despair its really a kick in the shin to hear from a close classmate of yours words that would drag you further down into the depths of agony. Picture yourself sharing your woes to a close friend like any ordinary human being would. Then picture yourself lamenting about how your presentation for the math test screwed up and you lost marks unnecessarily or that you screwed up your science experiment only to hear responses like 'Can I take a look at your answers so I know what not to do for the test' and 'Oh this is the last trail we have before the actual examination'.

Well, to begin with, I fully comprehend the predicament which I am in right now and pointing out the obvious doesn't seem to be the most tactful response, much less to say replying with a completely unnecessary response which would only serve to aggravate the receiver! I can't get mad over something unintentional, but that doesn't in the least minuscule bit make me happier than I am at that point. This is where emotional quotient plays a critical role in maintaining social relations with one another I suppose...

Since I've spilled a whole length post about all these S*IT that has been happening to me recently, let's make the most prudent decision in coping with problems by confronting, accepting and then letting go of whatever which had happened. Wouldn't want to shorten my lifespan anyway.