Friday, May 18, 2012

Keeping sane

Recently, I often worry about my sanity. The surmounting workload as the teaching of the syllabus goes full-throttle, the long school hours, but most of all the grim reality of the environment I live in- filled with students who could give up everything for the sake of academics achievement, students who delude themselves, becoming completely unaware of the importance of various skills in the real world, teenagers without a purpose nor a goal in life, and hypocritical individuals waiting for you to falter just so as to eliminate you from the 'race' so to speak.

I would only hope that as I learn to treasure what little true friends I possess who would genuinely accompany me through thick and thin, they too would learn and benefit just as much as I would with their support. I believe  benevolent ties would certainly triumph over hypocrisy.

Also, I have owl city to make me feel better  

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Painful words from the ones I cherish struck me hard again and again. Even as reverberating shocks still resonate within my already empty heart, a series of unrelenting though unintentional words continues to assault me. Just as much as I hope for my desirable outcome, it would never come to be if it goes against the wishes of  others. Human relations have always been in my opinion the most unpredictable and uncontrollable aspect of life. Now, should I salvage whatever remaining debris from a collapsed foundation knowing very well it would never form the perfect piece of architecture I pictured, or should I take to my heels and flee from her life. To flee from my problems and to spare myself from witnessing the construction of a beautiful infrastructure of my own desire, but in this case, not from my own hands.