Monday, September 10, 2012

The thing about looking up to someone isn't just about looking at what he or she is known for.

Well this is going to be a very short post about my thoughts (Again).

I'm a huge fan of Owl City and I will always remain as one. While surfing the net a little earlier, there was this one line in his video about his new album Midsummer station that really strengthen my resolve in life. In the video Adam Young said: ''I don't think that fireflies (Fireflies is currently his most successful song based on the billboard chart) is really something that I have to beat because that isn't really the point and if I ever get into the point of that trying to do a song to match it or beat it, it's like I'm doing it for the wrong reasons that kind of thing.'' Indeed his words are a warm reminder for me to always do thing for the right reasons: studying to contribute to the world in the future, choosing the courses to study based on passion and not based on what is perceived to be an easier subject. That is how I live my life in school.

Again, going back to the title of this post, I'm pretty sure the reason why I became a fan isn't only because I like the songs but because I've tasted the passion above all else.