Friday, December 14, 2012

About Wushu training, Beijing.

And so I was away from 24 November till 3 December for martial arts training with my school team. Here's a documentation of the time there for those curious to find out about training Wushu (or other sports) in China. I'm not advertising or anything! Just sharing my experiences. Photos were taken by an Android phone so its not very good. 

Location: China, Beijing, Beijing ShiChaHai  sports school. (Pretty famous sports school in China if I'm not mistaken, here is the link if you wish to find out about it >>)

Temperature: < 0 degrees centigrade, around -6 degrees on colder times of the day. 

Training time: 9.30-11.30, 3.30-5.30 (We trained twice a day to maximise our time there, students usually only train once per day, so it's not as tough as you believe!)

Meal time: Breakfast 7.30-8.30, Lunch 11.30-12.30, Dinner 5.30-6.30 (We follow a rather strict timetable when it comes to our nutrition)

Lodgings: Within the school compound, in a hotel.

Hotel room, there is a computer/television at the front of the bed ( Not shown in photo)
Classes: While we trained alone as a team with their coach in the morning, we trained with their students in the afternoon session. The students in the class which we joined were considered average.

There were foreigners who joined their professional team. I believe they were from the national/professional team of their respective countries. Foreigners I met include: Italians, Australians, Canadians, Malaysians.

Their professional team is also further classified into 3 groups based on their skills (And age if I'm not wrong)
Obviously the older ones are better anyway.
This is  one of the places where the professional team trained. 
Also, we were allowed to use the gymnasium to practice some difficult jumps since its safer with all the cushions.

Life there: We pretty much spent the time when we're not eating or training (Between 8.30-9.30, 12.30-3.30, 6.30 onwards) watching movies online so it's very laid back!

There are several places of interest located within walking distance of the school and of course good food to purchase, so its worth the time to explore those places. Not to mention plenty of clothes and electronic products! Noteworthy details: Starbucks located next to the school!

Favourite  part of the school: A giant greenhouse where the environment is cool and trees are still green

Huge bowl of noodles at 13 RMB or 2.60 SGD

5 or 4 storey compound located near the school (About 1km)  selling clothes and electronics, 
I'd certainly wish to visit the school again if I have the chance.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


I feel uplifted when it rains, simply because its the most natural phenomenon that could happen in my city. Never at the mercy of people, it happens completely at the will of nature. No amount of trees planted in my garden city could allow my country to assimilate into nature as much as what the rain could provide. My city, having being located in the tropics, is the coolest in times of rain, and it makes the urban jungle feel alive again.