Monday, February 18, 2013

Rainfall in mid February

It rained last Sunday during the Chinese New Year. It rained yesterday, and it rained again today. In fact, it's been raining in Singapore over the last few weeks. So I did a quick search on google for the 'Mean monthly rainfall in Singapore' just to make sure my memory didn't play any tricks on me and these aa few of the websites I've visited. I'm not sure how reliable each website is but by cross-referencing with each other we can tell that in Singapore, there usually isn't much rainfall from the month of February. The wettest months are from the month of November till the month of January. We're already headed towards the end of February and we're experiencing consistent rainfall across the weeks? Well, I can't be certain but there seem to be something wrong with the weather..,Singapore,Singapore

The website says historical climate data for Singapore, average monthly rainfall. This picture belongs to