Thursday, January 19, 2012

Permian mass extinction in a nutshell

Based on the knowledge acquired from discovery channel, do enlighten me if you happen to know some specific details which I left out. 

Trigger: Volcanic eruptions(Siberian Traps) lasting for up to a million years causing large amounts of sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide to be released.
Direct consequence: Sulfur dioxide would have caused acid rain that damages the eco system, but the damage would not have been so extensive.
The carbon dioxide released in such enormous quantities would cause severe global warming that kills off 1/3 of land dwellers at that time.
Indirect consequence:The heated planet with its warmer oceans would devastate the 'conveyor belt' preventing proper circulation of oxygen in the ocean. With the absence of oxygen in the ocean marine aerobic life would die out. It also causes purple sulfur bacteria to thrive. Which is, bacteria that survives without oxygen. In addition, these bacteria produces highly toxic hydrogen sulfide which adds on to the devastation done on the marine life of the Permian period.  
The heated ocean would also cause highly temperature sensitive methane hydrate, combination of methane and water in its solid form frozen at the bottom of the ocean, to melt releasing methane which is a very potent green house gas. It further aggravates the problem of global warming increasing Earth's temperature even further and wiping out even more life on Earth in the Permian period.
Ps: I will be writing a few posts about the conveyor belt and methane hydrate really soon to further explain how it plays a role in the Permian mass extinction!      

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