Saturday, February 4, 2012

Confusing world of Anthropology

I've always had a keen interest in Anthropology.
I was compelled to share this link after watching the video of an old BBC documentary ''walking with beasts''. This episode, talks about the Australopithecus as our ancestor around 3.5 million years ago. This video is pretty old.
Anyway,it is believed that Australopithecus is the species that led to the evolution of the 'homo' genus, that they gave rise to modern humans(homo sapiens sapiens) and our closely related species such as Neanderthals(homo sapiens neanderthal). I would not touch on this topic as of now, but I will leave some interesting facts behind. Ps: Its not really related to the show.
1: A famous fossil specimen nick named 'Lucy' belongs to this specie.
2: The last Human-Chimpanzee ancestor is predicted to have lived 5-6.3 million years ago.
3: Modern humans inter-bred with at least Denisovans and Neanderthals.
4: Yet a newly discovered  hominid specie the Sahelanthropus tchadensis is 7 million years old. Anthropologists are deciding if it is a common ancestor of humans and chimps. If it is not, things would get alot more complicated.
More on Australopithecus:

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