Monday, June 4, 2012

While I used to manage 2 blogs, I've decided to delete my older blog and to stick to this current one. My first blog all started as some silly piece of assignment and then as a way to practice on my language and to talk (lament) about life. My second blog on the other hand served as a platform for me put the things I've read up myself to good use and attempt to explain things as accurately as possible. However, what I've experienced in school as well as what I like to do both makes up important aspects of my life and are both inter-related and dependent on each other, so why not merge them? 
This is no longer just about how I see my life nor how I try to understand it. Its about me experiencing and understanding my life while I live it through. 

Still, there are things from my previous blog which I would like to keep in this current blog, such as the things I've said below. They weren't fond memories but they are things I would not want to forget, for they are still important to me.    

At this crucial point of time the realisation of  the futility of my attempts bestows upon me. A stroke of luck?

What is pride in oneself if all I strove for could not be appreciated by my reason to strive. Perhaps I am forever inferior to one of equal caliber equipped simply with differing talents?
Reality has caught up. Though I may not falter for now, my near future is clouded with uncertainty. 
11 November 2011

''Thats not going to get any better, so break it off from there. That way, a new shoot will grow so that new leaves will grow beautifully''-Honey and clover.  
12 November 2011

In times of sorrow I seek your support and yet, to no avail. A month of turmoil from the major examination my lifetime have ended as quickly as it came. I am now thrown into nothing more than a dull, vacant life, only to despair over your absence.
I spend every passing minute peering over my phone in desperation for your messages, knowing very well that in contrast, you spend your time lavishing every hour of playtime with your friends.
Friends...Was I ever treated as a friend by you? Your absence pains me, second, only to the reality that is dawning upon me. The reality of giving in to fate, which I had worked against ever since the day you were part of my life.    
18 November 2011

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