Sunday, July 8, 2012

My project work journey part 1: Preliminary ideas

Project work is one of the compulsory subjects students in my country have to take for our A levels examination. Although it is important to do well for it, I cherish the entire process of doing this subject and I try my best to document how I went about accomplishing this. I am still in the process of taking this subject and my work is not the perfect example of how it should be done, but this memory is definitely worth keeping. There are two topics to choose from, inventions or wastage, and the first task of this project is do work on our preliminary ideas before we gather the work with our group to decide on a topic.

First stage
I was told that the first step was to go online and search for interesting inventions or sources of wastage. Had many interesting finds form synthetic life form to catalysts for electrolysis.

Over here are three different ideas which were rejected before I started on my finalised topic. Tried my luck on wastage of paper, and wastage of human waste (yes human waste in the form of biomass) and then with wastage of batteries which I am pretty confident about, but to no avail. Pretty obvious I am inclined towards the topic of wastage rather than inventions. 

Second stage
Draft 1 on my topic of wastage of food.

Trying my luck with a graphic organiser over here. Takes up too much space with too little information. I have also exceeded by word count by a huge margin. Draft 2. 

Draft 3. Back to the portrait format.
Another attempt to use the graphic organiser to stand out. Draft 4...

The pictures below are from my final draft, reached the maximum word limit, with a mock-up created entirely by myself using 'paint'. 

Final draft. Printed in colour with a proper title
Survey results obtained from other sources.
Mock up for my plan.

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