Friday, June 5, 2015

Reading List 040615

It has been over a year since I updated my Blog! Time flies when you're busy in the military. However, having little time to myself made me treasure every little bit of it that is available to me.
I am determined to maintain my touch on academics in my absence from school. Although it's no simple task to achieve (Honestly speaking I think I've forgotten alot of the technical details related to Chemistry, Geography, Biology and Mathematics), I've found myself reading a lot more than I had ever done in my life and I've learnt quite a fair bit in the process, so I believe at least that makes up for it...

At least a little...  

Without further ado, my reading list as of 040615! As I'm into research, many of them are research papers.

1. 50 Quantum Physics Ideas you really need to know by Joanne Baker
2. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
3. Computing Machinery and Intelligence by A.M.. Turing (1950)
4. The Origins of Quantum Theory by Cathryn Carson
5. Relativity: The Special and General Theory by Albert Einstein (1916)
6. Wang Tiles for Image and Texture Generation by Michael F. Cohen, Jonathan Shade, Stefan Hiller, Oliver Deussen
7. Computing with Tiles by Rahul Gopinath, Yonglei Zheng, Madhura Vadvalkar and Junyuan Lin (2011)
8. Tiling Groups for Wang Tiles by Cristopher Moore, Ivan Rapaport and Eric Remila.

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