Wednesday, May 18, 2016

A Post Dedicated To The Regular Soldiers Whom I've Worked With In Army

"The tempering of steel is a lengthy process and men of steel you must be; anything less has no place in the Singapore Artillery"
I've learnt much in Artillery and I couldn't have done it without the command team. While I must move on, I will miss 21SA and the regulars.
I will always remember the fun and kind S1, the hyper S3, the funny Saitama S4 and Ajax SM, the Godly RQ that make things appear from nowhere, the strict but kind HQ SM, the serious and professional RSM that made me feel proud to be a Spec, the intelligent and calm CO, CPT Leo and MSG Loh that protected us while pushing us to learn on our own, CPT Lim that helped me learn through our rigorous discussions about work, MSG Lim the nice and chill guy that provided much needed reprieve time to time and CPT Hong whom I could talk to like a Bro.
On hindsight it seems that taking up additional responsibilities placed me in closer proximity to people outside of B Battery, which provided me with more relationships, learning opportunities and fonder memories. For that, I am very thankful.

This was first posted on my Facebook profile. In addition, I would like to special mention the two most knowledgeable and professional Sergeant and mentors 1SG Nicholas and SSG WX.

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